Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Support Israel

Please support God's people in their fight to keep their land and do it safely.Our Christian faith began and come out from Israel. God, Israel,Christians and the Scriptures all speak of the unity we have in common with God. Further, the Christian church cannot ignore the fact that when this earth is restored back to God, it is in the nation of Israel where He sets up His city as the capitol of the universe. Revelation 21:2,10 tells me that God's love is demonstratively shown toward Israel by namming the descending Holy City, the New Jerusalem.

If the Gentiles have shared in the Jew's spiritual blessings, they owe it to the Jews to share with them their material blessings. Even after 2500 years, God is still calling Israel His people.

In Joel 3:1,2 "In those days and at that time, when I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem, I will gatherall nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. There I will enter into judgement against them concerning my inheritance, my people Israel, for they scattered my people among the nations and divided up my land" Divided up my land! Does that not speak of modern times?

Please urge your governments, at all levels to give their total support to Israel. We need to urge Israel to not continue to bargain away God's land. Palastine will never be satisfied. Pray for the safety of Israel .


  1. Good job on your first blog.

  2. I think this is a great venue to enlighten people that may not know how much a part of our life, past and future, Israel is to us. I think this sums it up really well and you did a great job in writing it so the ones that do not know about how our lives are so entertwined with Israel's can understand and be affected by what they may learn. If nothing else it will give people, Believer's or not, something to think about if they read it with an open mind and believe that God is with us from the beginning and will be in the end and they will then know how Israel was the center of it all.

    Great job!!! daphne

  3. well, let's see if I can participate,,,,,just signed up for this, so I'll see if i'm able to post this, and go from there.

  4. And,,now that I believe I have this figured out, I seem to be at a loss for words,,,,
    With the ongoing invasion into the Gaza Strip, and with the history of almost daily rocket attacks originating from this miserable strip of land,,,,I see nothing wrong with the IDF going in there and putting an end to the threat, regardless of world opinion, since the world opinion seems to always side with the "poor palestinians" and their terrorist government, and regardless of how long it takes, and regardless of collateral damage, ie., innocent civilians. I believe many of the so-called innocent civilians, young men in particular, are really not so innocent, but just prior to their being wisked away in an ambulance, they had a weapon in their hand. I am convinced that the IDF takes many precautions, to limit the possiblity of civilian casualties, sometimes too many precautions, that actually cause casualties to their own forces.
